Friday, May 16, 2008

the MSSPK day 1

this was the most fun MSSPK i ever had(it's the only MSSPK i had,but it's still fun)it started like normal.i reached there at around 4.30pm and checked into a room.little did we know anything about that anyway after a while i and my brother were joined by a few other players.the room number was quite easy to remember because it's 123.
so me and my roommates were all not very good at chess i was wondering if i could get into the perak anyway we had a game at night.but before that we had dinner and the teacher told us what we should do and what we should not after the round(i don't want to say the result it's too embarrasing)we all went to TRY and sleep.the aircond was hot and was not working anyway after sometime we all fell asleep.

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